Public Information & Community Resources, NJ

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Welcome to PICRe NJ

A Public, Information & Community Resource website of New Jersey, PICRe is committed to providing current, useful information for linking ex-offenders and their families to organizations, networks and support systems established to help address basic, everyday needs. While PICRe NJ certainly provides information on the usual topics such as "treatment", "relapse prevention", and "emergency assistance" programs, etc., the intent here is to put forth additional information on issues ex-offenders and their families find most difficult to address: full-time employment, permanent housing, and the continuously increasing number of laws which make it more and more difficult for the ex-offender to succeed or move forward (economically and socially) in today's society. On the menu bar there is a "Questions" category which provides answers for our visitor's most commonly asked questions. Given this site is yet in its infancy, much more information is forthcoming and will be uploaded onto the site as it is received.

With so many other websites for ex-offenders already on the net, you may ask "why another one or why this one"? We believe there can never be "too many" resources as long as there is a need to reduce recidivism in this country. We don't think anyone would argue with data that suggests adequate, offender-specific resources significantly reduce the likelihood of re-offending. This then begs the question: why should we not invest in that which proves effective legally, socially, and economically? If we truly want prior-incarcerated men and women to really succeed in this society and not fail, then the least we can do is provide an array of tools necessary for that success. This site is our contribution to that array, and it is our sincere hope it is found both worthy and useful to those seeking to reestablish a normal life.

This site is an ongoing "work-in-progress". Menu categories will be updated as new information that is relative and noteworthy is obtained. At PICRe we are open to new ideas and helpful perspectives. So, if you have a fresh idea, new information, new support/services contacts, or just an opinion about an issue or topic covered on this site, please share. The "Your Comments" button is available for that purpose. A great listing of ex-offender resources in the community. Also you can make your submission via email to: if you so choose. Thank you for your patience. Enjoy the site!

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