Public Information & Community Resources, NJ

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Wheelchair with dollar signsLow-Cost Fund for Disabled Offspring

A Little News For Thought

Here we try to provide our readers with some of the latest news topics that may be relevant to the public life of the ex-offender (if not today, perhaps in the near future). Either way we seek to provide bite-sized snippets of news that are a substantive, hearty grist for the mind. No politics, no hidden agenda, no so-called "reality stuff"... ... just news! If anyone can use some of the information revealed in these reports to help remake or rebuild one's life for the good of self, family and community, then everyone benefits. At the end of the day maybe that is all that really matters: a better person, a better community; a better nation.

  1. American Broadcasting Cos v. Aereo - US Supreme Court Ruling, 6/2014
  2. Birth Control & For-Profit Groups - US Supreme Court, 7/2014
  3. Birth Control & Non-Profit Groups - US Supreme Court, 7/2014
  4. Cell Phone Searches - US Supreme Court Ruling, 6/2014
  5. US Supreme Court Quietly Editing Previous Decisions - NY Times, 5/2014
  6. Future of The Internet - NY Times, 5/2014
  7. Hacker Helps US Government, 5/2014
  8. Hacker Free After Cooperation, 5/2014
  9. Inocent: Life After 25 Years in Prison
  10. Mobile App Games, Really Free? - NY Times, 7/2014)
  11. NJ Drone Bill Passes, 2014
  12. NJ Media Password Protection Legislation, 2013
  13. NJ Recently Enacted Laws, 2009 - 2014
  14. Eric Holder on Seized Assets

Current Articles & Related Videos

President Obama Takes On the Prison CrisisPresident Obama Takes On the Prison Crisis
The New York Times

Prison cell door with a diploma attachedA Path to Society, The New York Times

Supreme Court Secret Edits Supreme Court Secret Edits
NY Times Article, 05/2014

Illegal Cell Phone SearchesIllegal Cell Phone Searches
US Supreme Court Ruling, 2014