Public Information & Community Resources, NJ

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President Obama Takes On the Prison CrisisPresident Obama Takes On the Prison Crisis
The New York Times

Prison cell door with a diploma attachedA Path to Society, The New York Times

Legal Assistance / Litigation

Next is a list of attorneys and organizations that specialize in specific areas of litigation. Some, like South Jersey Legal Services or the Office of The Public Defender, charge fees on a sliding scale based on your personal income. Attorneys affiliated with law firms will usually cost more, but they are expert in their areas of litigation. Choose the one that best fits your personal needs. Again, this list is not exhaustive and will continue to expand as more current, useful information is received.

  1. ACLU, American Civil Liberties Union
  2. NJOPD, New Jersey Office of the Public Defender (by county)
  3. SJLS, South Jersey Legal Services (by County)
  4. The Center for HIV Law and Policy, Catherine Hanssens; Mayo Schreiber, Esq.
  5. Len Baker, Esq., of Greenblatt, Pierce, Engle, Funt and Flores Law Firm - Haddonfield NJ. Once on the site, click "Attorney Profiles" to locate Mr. Baker as well as his colleagues.
  6. Robert Agre, Esq. of Agre and Jensen Law Firm - Haddonfield, NJ
  7. John Furlong, Esq. of Furlong and Krasny - Trenton, NJ
  8. Carlos Andujar Jr, Esq. of Robinson, Andujar, Robinson Law Firm - Bridgeton, Vinelad, Millville NJ
  9. Arnold Robinson, Esq. of Robinson, Andujar, Robinson Law Firm - Bridgeton, Vineland, Millville nj
  10. Michael Testa Jr, Esq. - Vineland NJ
  11. Leonard L. Grasso Jr, Esq. of Hoffman and DiMuzio Law Firm - Woodbury, Turnersville, Sewell, Franklin NJ; Philadelphia

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